Thursday 11 June 2015

Task 1: Development of Editing

Development of Editing

In-Camera Editing:
In-Camera Editing involves shooting a film in the sequence that it will appear in the finished Video without any editing. this is not usually used because it takes extreme precision and there is no room for error. Each shot and scene must run at the length you intended them to in the finished film, so that at the end you have the finished film. Planning is absolutely crucial, due to the fact that you only get one chance. each time a shot is finished the camera has to be moved to its next location.

Following the Action is where the camera follows the movement of a scene and the action taking place. as you can see in the video above the camera tracks along the corridor, capturing all the action that takes place in the scene.

Multiple Points of View:
Multiple points of view refers to the practice of using multiple cameras or a single camera positioned at different points and angles along a 180 Degree axis. this is more commonly used because it means the camera can get closer to the action and capture it from many different vantage points.

Shot Variation:
Shot variation is the use of multiple styles of shots to signify movement. the most common is an establishing shot which is used to set the scene. A medium shot would be used when dialogue is being exchanged, And a close up is used to focus on an item or characteristic that would go unnoticed. the video linked above has examples of all the shot types.

Manipulation of Diegetic Time and Space:
The manipulation of dietetic time and space applies to the effect added to make a person or an object gets older or younger in the film.

Film Vs. Video:
Film is physical, doesn't degrade digitally and cannot be affected by an EMP. However it does tend to burn out.
Video digital has a more dynamic range, so it can show a more detailed range of shadows, mid tones and highlights. It takes less space to store. No one edits film anymore. Its cheaper than film because it does not need to be processed by a lab each night.

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